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How to get the most from your Beta Alanine

We’re honored to be chosen to support you on your athletic journey. Here’s a guide to help you get the most out of your beta-alanine.

Before we start, here’s a video explaining what beta alanine is, and how it works

How to Take It to Ensure the Best Results:

Take beta-alanine twice a day, every day. You may experience harmless skin tingling at the start.

Take one scoop in the morning and one in the evening. Before brushing your teeth is a good place to start.

Mix with any liquid. Avoid taking it on an empty stomach. This will reduce the tingles too.

Here’s What to Expect in the First Few Weeks:

1-2 weeks
  • You may experience harmless skin tingling (parasthesia) when you first start taking beta alanine.

  • It will feel less uncomfortable when “red lining” - that high-intensity point where your body is screaming at you to stop or slow down.

  • You will feel less physically drained and shaky after max effort training. These are feelings caused by high levels of lactic acid.

  • It will feel easier to maintain a good pace in endurance workouts.

  • You’ll feel less out of breath after sprinting.
3-4 weeks
  • For endurance athletes, you’ll be able to maintain a faster running, cycling, swimming etc. pace for longer as your body can handle more lactic acid. 

  • If you’re a high-intensity interval training athlete or your sport involves repeated sprints, you’ll notice being less out of breath, and be less impacted by fatigue. You’ll feel more energetic, and like you can do more.  

  • You may notice your performance data improving on shorter duration higher-intensity training.
6+ weeks
  • You’ll notice marked improvements in the quality of your training and your performance.

  • Your level of perceived exertion will likely be less which can make high-volume training more enjoyable. 

Four Things to Consider When Taking Beta-Alanine:

Beta-alanine is not a pre-workout

Take it daily. It does not contain any caffeine or fillers that are in most pre-workout

Side effect -

Beta-alanine can cause a harmless skin tingling sensation called paresthesia. If you want to avoid it, try lowering the dosage or take it with food.

You will be able to train harder

Don't be scared to push it

Don't forget the basics

Supplementation will never replace a good diet, good programming or a good sleep routine

Products to Combine Beta-Alanine With Depending on Your Athlete Type

Beta-Alanine will enable you to train at a higher intensity for longer by buffering lactic acid build-up in your muscles.

Learn about other Blonyx products that will help support your athletic ambition:

CrossFit® Athlete

HMB+ Creatine

Strength is notoriously difficult to build, yet it’s a key part of progression if your athletic ambition is to be more competitive at your CrossFit® gym. The most researched sports supplement for strength is hands down creatine monohydrate. It provides phosphocreatine energy for max effort movements, causing an often large increase in strength.

Egg White Protein Isolate

CrossFit ® has famously promoted clean, real food eating as a core requirement for performing better at the gym. Blonyx Egg White Protein Isolate is a clean, minimally processed product with only 7 simple ingredients. It tastes completely natural and is as close to real food as you can get.

Check out our infographic to see how it compares to whey and plant-based proteins.



Hydra+ is a novel hydration product developed to help you stay between 0-2% dehydrated, which science shows is optimal for performance. 

Hydra+ contains carbs and electrolytes from real food sources like coconut water, fruit juices and a pinch of sea salt (and it tastes just like it sounds). It contains less sodium than other sports drinks as science shows that blood sodium levels go up, not down when you dehydrate. 

Hydra+ is versatile:

1. Adding it to 8oz water will provide electrolytes and carbs for higher-intensity short training sessions.

2. Adding it to 16oz water will promote fluid intake for longer sweaty sessions.

HMB Sport

As an endurance athlete you probably avoid creatine. Yes, it’ll increase power output, but at the expense of unwanted body weight.

Enter HMB, a supplement that also increases power output, but doesn’t add weight and is shown to be far more effective at improving endurance performance.

HMB is found naturally in the body where it does two things:

1. It protects muscle from damage (so you can push your training limits and won't need as much recovery time)

2. It slows muscle protein breakdown

This results in more efficient training sessions and faster progression towards your athletic ambition… that’s why it’s our no.1 best-selling ingredient since 2011.

Endurance - Cyclists & Runners

HMB Sport

As an endurance athlete you probably avoid creatine. Yes, it’ll increase power output, but at the expense of unwanted body weight.

Enter HMB, a supplement that also increases power output, but doesn’t add weight and is shown to be far more effective at improving endurance performance.

HMB is found naturally in the body where it does two things:

1. It protects muscle from damage (so you can push your training limits and won't need as much recovery time)

2. It slows muscle protein breakdown

This results in more efficient training sessions and faster progression towards your athletic ambition… that’s why it’s our no.1 best-selling ingredient since 2011.


Use this to answer some common questions you hHydra+ is a novel hydration product developed to help you stay between 0-2% dehydrated, which science shows is optimal for performance. 

Hydra+ contains carbs and electrolytes from real food sources like coconut water, fruit juices and a pinch of sea salt (and it tastes just like it sounds). It contains less sodium than other sports drinks as science shows that blood sodium levels go up, not down when you dehydrate. 

Hydra+ is versatile:

1. Adding it to 8oz water will provide electrolytes and carbs for higher-intensity short training sessions.

2. Adding it to 16oz water will promote fluid intake for longer sweaty sessions. ear from your customers.

How Else Can We Support You?

Our goal is to help you reach your athletic ambition. Tell us the athletic goals you are working towards and our expert team of sports scientists will provide personalized advice to help you reach them.

I am just finishing my first month of Blonyx Beta Alanine and HMB+ Creatine and I am impressed that I have been able to hit a new elevated level of fitness.
As an older athlete, these products are greatly assisting with my ability to push harder and achieve better stats during the challenges faced at CrossFit classes. I am looking forward to seeing how far I can push myself whilst using these Blonyx products.

Wanda Bradbury
Blonyx customer

I have tried many different supplements in my life, and Beta-Alanine has been one of those supplements that have boosted performance substantially. But what I like about Blonyx supplements the most, is the honesty behind the products. I really value quality. And that is what Blonyx products and service are for me. Pure quality!!!

Steve Kozmeniuk
Blonyx Customer

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