How many times will you try?
Many of us, CrossFitters, weightlifters, strongmen, gymnasts, NFL players, and entrepreneurs alike have hit that wall at some point where we ask ourselves, "why am I still doing this?" For...
Many of us, CrossFitters, weightlifters, strongmen, gymnasts, NFL players, and entrepreneurs alike have hit that wall at some point where we ask ourselves, "why am I still doing this?" For...
As athletes, we could all do with a little more HMB to protect and repair muscle tissue, especially this time of year, when we're beating our bodies down preparing for...
What's your favorite cool down activity? Athletes use everything from rowing to foam rolling to ease their muscles out of a killer training session into recovery mode. We believe two...
A whopping 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated; are you one of them? Water does everything from lubricating your joints to improving brain function. It's also a legitimate way to...
Well they're not all here (missing a breakdown of movements like the Butterfly Pullup, (Bar) Muscle-up, Toes to bar etc), but check out this cool infographic from Catalyst Athletics, breaking...
Did you know that based on past years it is expected that 45% of Americans will make a New Years Resolution (or more than one) but only 8% will...
Do you know what your feet are/should be doing during the snatch and clean & jerk? Check it out this poster from FuBarbell
“The most important game you will ever play will happen on the 4 inch ‘field’ between your ears” That is something one of my all-time favourite coaches used to say...
In Performance Under Pressure Part 1 I talked about Stress as a 4 step process and addressed the fact that a situation is not stressful until we mentally appraise what...
Technically speaking there is no such thing as a 'Stressful Situation' Now before you decide I'm nuts let me explain what I mean... Situations in themselves are not stressful, but...
Reposted with permission from Jerred Moon, the mastermind behind End Of Three Fitness blog Here's a quote: "Michael Jordan: Most people wouldn’t believe that a man often lauded as the...